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Allotment Associations & Horticultural Groups in Harrow, Middlesex

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Affiliated to:    Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)  :    National Vegetable Society (NVS)   :   National Dahlia Society (NDS)

harrow in LEAF

We promoted "Green Shoots" by taking part in the Apple Afternoon at the Grim's Dyke Hotel - Sunday 29th 2024, from 1pm to 4pm

2024 09 29 apple afternoon
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2024 09 29 apple afternoon
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Once again we supported the volunteers at Lady Gilbert's Orchard

We had a charity stall promoting horticulture, biodiversity and allotments.

One of our main aims this year was to find other volunteer groups planning or undertaking horticultural projects. We shall be raisng awareness of our "Green Shoots" initiative by which we which donate small grants to such groups.

"Harrow in LEAF provides small grants of up to £300 to local groups who are undertaking a horticultural project of benefit to the community. If successful, we ask that Harrow in LEAF's sponsorship is mentioned in a notice at the site, and that you send us some photos for our website. Groups will not be awarded more than one grant in any two-year period.

How to apply for a Green Shoots grant

Our 19th Horticultural & Craft Show was presented at The Headstone Village Show on August Bank Holiday Monday 26th, 2024

2024 inside barn

This year was a bit different because our displays were back in the Great Barn, a welcome return to this historic Harrow icon - built in 1506 and linking us to Harrow's agricultural past. Shows of produce started in the 1830's and are a proud reminder of the skills needed to grow fresh and healthy food.

While the 2024 weather continued to break records, good and bad, it was encouraging to think ahead to a productive year in our gardens and allotments.

We hope that a look at the 2024 Show Schedule encouraged you to try something new, whether in the arts and crafts section or the choice of tempting food ideas to try. Our visitors loved to see how creative you all were.

With the Paris Olympic Games happening in the summer, some of our craft classes had a sporting theme. Do have a look at our Annual Show Website for information and see whether you or your family are inspired to get involved in 2025.

You don't need to grow the biggest vegetables or the most perfect flowers - it's enough to take part, and feel that you are contributing to our community.

Don't forget, if you enter something, you get free admission for yourself, and are really part of this special event.

Click here to visit our Annual Show Website for information

We are now on Facebook.

2024 Facebook Logo

Please visit and join our group.

How to make your Allotment and Garden "Greener"

A free talk on Saturday 8th June at 2.30pm at Harrow in LEAF HQ, West Harrow Allotments (Large).

Allotment holders and gardeners can manage their spaces in a more sustainable way in order to enhance productivity, encourage wildlife, increase biodiversity and reduce their impact on the environment.

2024 06 08 Biodiversity
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The benefits can be seen with better soil condition, a reduction in physical work, cost and the use of chemicals in addition to a more sustainable space.
It is not about making part of the space untidy, abandoned or full of weeds! We often hear that this is how to create a nature friendly or wildlife garden. There is a way to build a beautifully designed garden space that is functional yet really beneficial to wildlife as well.

Simon Joshua is the founder of Harrow Biodiversity and Environment, a social media platform for sharing local knowledge about the environment and promoting better management of public and private green spaces. He is also a London National Park City ranger for Harrow, an organisation supported by the Mayor of London. An enthusiastic amateur and by no means a professional ecologist or horticulturist, but still keen to learn and above all support local organisations and residents to consider more environmentally friendly management of the spaces for which they have been given responsibility.

2024 Plant Sale

Our big Annual Plant Sale 2024 took place on Saturday May 11th from 11am to 1pm.

With 16 amateur sellers covering approximately 33 tables with very reasonably priced plants.

The sunshine brought out a large crowd who enjoyed shopping and refreshments from our pop-up cafe

Click here for more info.

Our 2024 Quiz Night took place on Saturday April 13th.

Our popular Annual Quiz Night went ahead on the evening of Saturday April 13th 2024.

Home Guard Club

Click here for full details on our Events Diary

Your support is greatly appreciated:

Harrow in LEAF

Check our Events Diary for this year ==>

Sow & Harvest Guide
Courtesy of Newton Park HS.....

Harrow in LEAF this month
What to do on your allotment or in your garden at this time.

Harvest onions, pick beans, prepare lawns, care for house plants..

Harrow Friends of the Earth SAVE OUR BEES

Harrow in LEAF recipes

Your ideas on what to do with all that allotment or garden food produce!

•   Our privacy policy

•   Identify an unknown plant

•   GREEN SHOOTS, grants to make Harrow greener

•   About us pdf LEAFlet

•   Our Annual Plant Sale

•   Biodiversity in Harrow

•   Keeping Chickens

•   2022, remember?

•   More News

•   Other News

•   Beekeepers Association

•   Growing Concerns - archive

•   Our Recipes

•   About Bonfires

Harrow in LEAF's "Guide for New Allotment Holders" is now available on-line

Yes, our excellent Guide is now available via the "Allotment Guidelines" button on the top Menu above - or just click on this front page image.

        Guide for New Allotment Holders
Published: 11th Nov 2011

© 2024 Harrow in LEAF. Supporting allotments, horticulture and

biodiversity in Harrow

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