Saturday 22nd April, 7.00pm for 7.30pm start
A general knowledge quiz for all, set and presented by our regular Quizmaster Terry Frisch.
Entry price per person t.b.d. nearer date, which includes chips plus a choice of Fish, Chicken or Veggieburger.
Teams of up to 8 people.
There will be a reasonably priced bar so do not bring your own drinks, but maybe your own tomato sauce!
For more information or to book a table then call Diana on 020 8863 7558 or send email to: info@harrowinleaf.org.uk
To be held at The Home Guard Club in North Harrow Car Park
located at rear of the Broadwalk Car Park, off Pinner Road, North Harrow. HA2 7TA
Free parking after 6.30pm
We welcome our latest Affiliated Society - Headstone Green Community Group
In September 2022 this newly formed group of volunteers joined the umbrella group of Harrow in LEAF.
The Headstone Green Community Group (HGCG) was formally formed in March 2022 after the founding members worked as an informal working group with Harrow Council to look after the new park created in Umpire View, HA1 4GB, off Pinner View, formerly known as St George's Playing Field.
The Chair is Sandra-Lee Palmer.
New volunteers are always welcome and we shall supply contact details in due course.
Harrow in LEAF's 17th Annual Horticultural & Craft Show 2022
Our 17th Annual Horticultural and Craft Show was again an integral part of The Headstone Village Show on Bank Holiday Monday 29th August 2022 from 12 noon to 5.00pm
Thanks to our volunteers, our plant, tombola and "make us an offer" donors and our exhibitors without whom we would not have a Harrow show that displays our creativity.
Harrow in LEAF's big Annual Plant Sale, May 14th 2022
Headstone Village Show incorporating Harrow in LEAF
A warm welcome to our newest member - London's Community Kitchen,Harrow
Harrow in LEAF AGM & Social - 30th June 2021: Management Committee unchanged
Harrow in LEAF Plant Sale - 8th May 2021: an unexpected success after no Plant Sale in May 2020.
This year Harrow in LEAF returned with their Annual Plant Sale on Saturday 8th May 2021, from 11am to 1pm,
in compliance with Covid-19 regulations.
As usual it was held at our HQ on West Harrow Allotments (Large) HA1 4HE
There was a well-signed one-way system round the sales area and into and out of our popular pop-up cafe with outdoor tables under marquees.
There were hand sanitiser on stalls to minimise any virus transmission through handling of plants and cash.
With rain pouring early Saturday morning it looked as if we would have no visitors. But at 10.45am, miraculously, the rain stopped and the crowds of eager plant bargain hunters arrived to enjoy being let out of their homes again!
CLICK HERE for the Bluebell Project info PDF
In October 2020 thousands of British Bluebell bulbs were planted, by volunteers, around trees in Pinner Village Gardens. The aim is that they are for everyone to enjoy when they bloom this year.
In January 2021 the green shoots of these Bluebells were seen emerging from the planted grounds so there will be a fantastic display in Spring 2021.
Harrow in LEAF provides small grants of up to £300 to local groups who are undertaking a horticultural project of benefit to the community.
Harrow Go Green 2021 competition is launched in November 2020
Harrow Biodiversity and Environment in conjunction with Harrow Council are launching a competition for Harrow to raise awareness of, and enhance the borough's biodiversity.
Projects can be submitted into the following categories:
. Schools and Colleges
. Best Front Space
. Junior Projects
. Best Garden Managed for Nature
. Commercial Projects and Developers
. Most Original Idea to Enhance Biodiversity
CLICK HERE to visit Harrow Go Green 2021
The competition will be open to applications until the end of May 2021 so please visit their website to get full details and register.
Harrow in LEAF replace their 16th Annual Show with digital alternative.
Visits to a typical allotment site in Harrow 2020 -
In conjunction with the Headstone Museum & Heritage Centre some of our site representatives have been giving a free tour of their allotment sites on the August Bank Holiday Weekend Click here for details
During the 2020 Coronavirus lockdown Harrow in LEAF have also created a video to show prospective plot holders what is involved in allotmenteering.
CLICK HERE to VIEW our video tour of a typical Harrow Allotment site
Harrow in LEAF create "temporary nature reserve" for wildlife and friendly bees - a lockdown initiative.
With the current restrictions on the gathering of groups and with individuals isolating for their own safety there is no hunger to cut the grass outside our HQ Cabin.
We shall therefore only be cutting a path around a central grass/wildflower area to allow car access in and out.
This central area of grass will be allowed to grow until such time as we resume large events/meetings again.
Hopefully some wild flowers will grow for the local pollinators to enjoy!
Within this "temporary reserve" there will also be a new permanent pond that Harrow in LEAF started to create in 2019 as part of our "Caring for Wildlife" initiative.
With garden centres open again with social distancing in place, it has been possible to purchase and install some oxygenating plants. The beekeepers have also included a floating deck for their bees to relax on and take the waters.
 Click to enlarge image
18th April 2020: Government tells Councils "parks must stay open......read more>
Harrow Council's social distance advice:
For all allotmenteers and Open Space visitors
Click on the poster to download an A4 version to print for your allotment or to put in your windows at home...==>

Click Here ==> A4 Poster Download
Harrow in LEAF's Plant Sale 2020 planned for May is cancelled along with many other events around Harrow
due to the C-19 pandemic.......
This decision is made in line with Harrow Council's guidelines "Following the latest advise from Government on Coronavirus,
we have taken the decision to postpone all organised meetings, processions and events at our parks and public areas."
We are informed that Hatch End Horticultural Society have cancelled their April and May talks and Hardy Plants Middlesex Group
have had to cancel their Passionate About Plants event.
We suspect that other groups are doing likewise so it is best to check directly with them via their own websites.
Our Big Plant Sale will return in May 2021.......
It has been confirmed that the Headstone Village Show will not be taking place in 2020.
As we have had to postpone our 2020 Show those of you that have copies of printed 2020 Show Schedules please hold on to them
as it is likely the 2020 Classes will stand for 2021.
Luckily, most of us are a community of gardeners or allotmenteers and isolating may give us the time to get on with our passion for these activities.
Harrow in LEAF wish you all the best over the coming period, take care
Support Harrow in LEAF when you shop online:
Your support is greatly appreciated:
Check our Events Diary for 2022 now ==>
Sow & Harvest Guide
Courtesy of Newton Park HS.....

What to do on your allotment or in your garden at this time.
Check stored fruits, indoor plants, protect plats from frosts........
Your ideas on what to do with all that allotment or garden food produce!
Our privacy policy
• Identify an unknown plant
• GREEN SHOOTS, grants to make Harrow greener
• About us pdf LEAFlet
• Our Annual Plant Sale
• Biodiversity in Harrow
• 2019, remember?
• More News
• Other News
• Beekeepers Association
• Growing Concerns - archive
• Our Recipes
• About Bonfires
Harrow in LEAF's "Guide for New Allotment Holders" is now available on-line
Yes, our excellent Guide is now available via the "Allotment Guidelines" button on the top Menu above - or just click on this front page image.
Published: 11th Nov 2011