Allotment Associations & Horticultural Groups in Harrow, Middlesex

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There are currently 34 allotment sites in the London Borough of Harrow of which 24 have STATUTORY status.

Bishop Ken

Chandos Recreation Ground

Church Fields - Harrow-on-the-Hill

Cuckoo Hill



Isolation Hospital

Kenton Lane

Kenton Recreation Ground

Kingsley Road South

Lincoln Road


Melbourne Avenue


Newton Park East

Newton Park West

Northolt Road

Orchard Grove

Park View

Paulhan Road (North)

Paulhan Road (South)

Pinner Village

Pleasant Place

Rayners Mead



Vale Croft

Vernon Drive

Wakehams Hill

West Harrow Large Site

West Harrow Small Site

Weston Drive


Yeading Avenue

Click here to download a PDF list of these allotments with entrance details.

Allotment sites in Harrow are classed with a status of STATUTORY or NON-STATUTORY where the former has a greater amount of protection from the Council selling or re-using this land. STATUTORY sites are listed below with green background. Site status is based on information supplied by Harrow Council in November 2013.

The number of plots listed below are based on Harrow Council record from their website. These numbers include half-plots. They were updated in 2017 following a joint exercise between Harrow Council and Harrow in LEAF.

To view Harrow Council's latest information on Plots, Available Plots and number of people on waiting list for the plot, then click on the following link to visit the Harrow Council "Apply for an Allotment" page and select from the drop down list the Allotment Site that you are interested in.

Bishop Ken (view Google Maps)
Entrance between 39-41 Bishop Ken Road, Harrow Weald HA3 7HU
39 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: Diane Tigg, tel: 07711 698214, email:

Chandos Recreation Ground (view Google Maps)
Park entrance and car park is on Camrose Avenue, Edgware HA8 6BX
49 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: Trevor Steeples email:

Church Fields - Harrow-on-the-Hill (view Google Maps)
A small site at rear of Trafalgar Terrace, Harrow-on-the-Hill HA1 3EU
5 plots
Site Rep: email:

Cuckoo Hill - on Cranbourne Drive, Pinner (view Google Maps)
Enter from Cranbourne Drive, Pinner HA5 1BX, near the junction with West End Lane
36 plots
Site Rep: Christine Wallace email:
or call
Harrow in LEAF Rep: Brian Vaughan 07842 789941

Greenhill, Central Harrow (view Google Maps)
Entrances on Richards Close and between 31-33 Grange Road, Harrow HA1 2PP
55 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: H Shorter: 020 8863 7100

Headstone (view Google Maps)
Main entrance opposite 125 Pinner View, Harrow HA1 4RP, near junction with Parkside Way and another one at park entrance off Parkside Way HA2 6DB
94 plots
Trading hut on site and thriving Horticultural Association
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: D Dolman 020 8863 7558

Isolation Hospital (view Google Maps)
Entrance from Chichester Court, Stanmore HA7 1DX, off Honeypot Lane near Queensbury Circle roundabout
23 plots
Site Rep: Contact Harrow Council for details

Kenton Lane (view Google Maps)
One entrance between 608-610 Kenton Lane HA3 7LG
and one by the side of Vernon lodge in Vernon Drive
86 plots
Site Rep: Contact Harrow Council for details

Kenton Recreation Ground (view Google Maps)
Small site in the Recreation Ground with entry from Becmead Avenue or Carlton Avenue, Kenton HA3 8AX
22 plots
Site Rep: Eugene Callinan 07939 450687

Kingsley Road South (view Google Maps)
Site entrance at side of 32 Melrose Road, Pinner HA5 5RA
21 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: J Smith, tel: 020 8357 1752, email:

Lincoln Road (view Google Maps)
One entrance in Lincoln Road HA2 7RQ near junction with Northumberland Road
and one off the footpath to Yeading Brook
27 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: J Bugler, email:

Marshalls (view Google Maps)
Entrance from Marshall Close, Harrow HA1 4DH - off Lascelles Avenue
33 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: P Humphreys: 07813 409083

Melbourne Avenue (view Google Maps)
Enter by gate off Melbourne Avenue, Pinner HA5 5SJ
34 plots
Site Rep: Contact Harrow Council for details.

Montesoles (view Google Maps)
Entrance next to Montesoles Playing Fields, off the Uxbridge Road, Pinner HA5 3LW
42 plots
Site Rep: G Sadler email:

Newton Park East (view Google Maps)
Entrance on east side of Alexandra Avenue, Rayners Lane HA2 9DX
56 plots
Trading hut on adjacent west site
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: J Hillier: 020 8933 1810 email:

Newton Park West (view Google Maps)
Entrance on west side of Alexandra Avenue, Rayners Lane HA2 9DX
41 plots
Trading hut on site
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: R Dickens: 020 8422 1609 email:

Northolt Road (view Google Maps)
This site is entered by gate in Cowen Avenue, South Harrow HA2 0LU
25 plots
Site Rep: Contact Harrow Council for details

Orchard Grove (view Google Maps)
Reached from Repton Road, Kingsbury HA3 9QD
13 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: F Dodwell email:

Park View (view Google Maps)
One entrance off Anselm Road and another by a gate in Woodridings Avenue, Pinner HA5 4NQ
46 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: C Harman email:

Paulhan Road North (view Google Maps)
Paulhan Road North is reached by side of 52 Paulhan Rd. HA3 9AH;
8 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: A Bowers: 0208 907 9832 email:

Paulhan Road South (view Google Maps)
Paulhan Road South is reached by 71 Paulhan Rd, Kenton HA3 9AS
16 plots
Site Rep: Tony Lepps: 0208 907 2535

Pinner Village (view Google Maps)
Enter by a gate between 65-69 Village Way or another between 93-95 Village Way, Pinner HA5 5AA
65 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: K Rookledge: 020 8866 7017

Pleasant Place (view Google Maps)
Behind flats in Lower Road; the entrance is by 2 Shaftesbury Avenue, Harrow HA2 0PH and at the end of the alley way
23 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: Casey Dalton: 07711 566059 email:

Rayners Mead (view Google Maps)
Double gated entrance between 129-131 Imperial Drive, North Harrow HA2 7HW
26 plots
Site Rep: Contact Harrow Council for details.

Roxeth (view Google Maps)
Situated within Roxeth Recreation Ground
Entrance by gate and by footpath from Wood End Avenue HA2 8NT
135 plots
Site Rep: Contact Harrow Council for details

Streamside (view Google Maps)
Entrance by hand gate from Whittington Way, and between 22-24 Church Avenue HA5 5JQ
61 plots
Site Rep: Mike Beech, 020 8868 0633, email:

Vale Croft (view Google Maps)
This site can only be accessed by properties that back onto it so plots are only available to residents surrounding this allotment site. It is within a triangle formed by Lyncroft Ave, Eastcote Rd, & Cannon Lane. Vale Croft is a cul-de-sac off Cannon Lane.
8 plots

Vernon Drive (view Google Maps)
Entry adjacent to 9-10 Vernon Court, Stanmore HA7 2BN across the green
38 plots
Site Rep: Cynric Richardson, 0208 863 3484

Wakehams Hill (view Google Maps)
Small site with double gate at end of Wakehams Hill, Pinner HA5 3BQ
10 plots
Site Rep: Sylvia Colley 0208 866 5263 email:

West Harrow Large Site website (view Google Maps)
Entrance by path beside West Harrow Station, past Vaughan School, Vaughan Road, Harrow HA1 4EL
176 plots
Trading hut on site with active Horticultural Association - West Harrow Allotment and Garden Association
Site Rep: Karen Lundy: 07754 681254 email:

West Harrow Small Site (view Google Maps)
Trading hut on neighbouring Large Site with thriving Horticultural Association - West Harrow Allotment and Garden Association
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: Ingrid Crawley email:

Weston Drive (view Google Maps)
Enter by gates between 23-25 Weston Drive, Stanmore HA7 2EX
- on the left from Belmont Circle past Bellamy Drive
38 plots
Site Rep: Sheila Hazell e-mail:
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: D Osborne: 020 8907 0508, email:

Woodlands (view Google Maps)
Entrance between 77-81 Woodlands, North Harrow HA2 6EN
24 plots
Water on site
Harrow in LEAF Site Rep: G Smith tel: 020 8429 0362 email:

Yeading Avenue (view Google Maps)
Access is by the gate between 95-97 Yeading Avenue, Harrow HA2 9RJ
57 plots
Harrow in LEAF Site Reps: Amit Kumar email: Tel: 07359 336277 / 07554 114056
                                    : John Murphy email: Tel: 07973 620 350
Trading hut on site Roxbourne Horticultural Society



The land was acquired or appropriated by the local authority specifically for use as allotments. These sites cannot be sold or used for other purposes without the consent of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Before consent is given, the Secretary of State will first want to be satisfied of certain conditions. These are that:

• the allotment is either not necessary and is surplus to requirements;
• the council will give displaced plot holders adequate alternative sites, unless this is not necessary or is not practicable;
• the council has taken the number of people on the waiting list into account; and
• the council has actively promoted and publicised the availability of allotment sites and has consulted the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners.

Government guidance also requires allotment authorities to consult with plot holders before they apply for disposal. If an application goes ahead for disposal of a site in the capital, it will be dealt with by the Government Office for London.

If the application is successful, and allotment holders are displaced, the allotment authority is expected to provide one or more suitable alternative sites which should not normally be more than three-quarters of a mile from the centre of demand.


These are allotments situated on land which is allocated for other uses but leased or rented by an allotments authority. Temporary allotments are not protected from disposal in the same way that statutory allotments are. The Secretary of State's consent is not required for the disposal of non-statutory allotment sites, but the allotment authority will usually be required to give plot holders 12 months notice to quit before the land can be used for any other purpose.

Privately owned land can also be let for use as allotments. These plots have the same legal status as temporary allotment sites, but the local council has no control over them.
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