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Allotment Associations & Horticultural Groups in Harrow, Middlesex

FREE Wood Chip available on 24th April 2012
First come - first served!

Harrow In LEAF have been approached by a Bristol based tree surgeon to inform any interested parties that as he is working in Harrow towards the end of April, he will have a load of wood chip that an allotment can have delivered for FREE!

As he is an allotment holder himself he would prefer to donate it to an allotment "for paths, weed control and for composting. I'll be heading back to Bristol on the afternoon of the 24th April so the window of opportunity for this is quite small".

If you are interested then please contact Richard Price directly on 07974 771409

Published: 12th Apr 2012

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24th Dec. 2011 - and it's only the morning of Xmas Eve!
Xmas Eve morning 2011 - West End Lane and Meadow Road
Unexpected sight whilst going to collect some Brussels Sprouts to accompany my Christmas Dinner.

The onlookers taking photos could not believe how someone could have parked their car in such a position between approximately 10.00am and 11.00am on Xmas Eve!

"It was not there an hour ago" exclaimed one passer-by. There was no sign of the driver, who obviously did not wish to be found.

As the police had not arrived yet we must of only just missed the driver running away!

It reminds us to enjoy our Xmas and New Year festivities but DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE or it will not just be seeds planted underground in 2012.
Xmas Eve morning 2011 - the red Brussels in question

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26th Nov. 2011 - Newton Park East allotments break in
Newton Park East, Alexandra Avenue
Continue to be vigilant!

On Saturday 26th Nov 2011 the Secure Storage Hut, supplied by Harrow In Leaf, was broken into at the Newton Park East allotment site, Alexandra Avenue, Rayners Lane.
Some outer sheds were also broken into and rummaged through.
As yet we are not aware that anything is missing, and the police were informed.

We therefore recommend that you try not to store anything of great value on the allotments sites. If you must, then ensure that your Personal Home Insurance Policy covers you for anything that you keep on site and you consider of value.

Feel free to contact us if you have any further information about this incident.

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3rd Nov. 2011 - Van broken into outside Cuckoo Hill allotments in Cranbourne Drive
Cuckoo Hill, Clarendon Road
Be vigilant!

On Thursday 3rd Nov. 2011 a plot holder's van was broken into outside the gates to Cuckoo Hill allotments, Cranbourne Drive, Pinner. This happened during broad daylight whilst the plotholder was working on her plot literally 200 - 300 yards from this gate.
A leafblower was stolen from the vehicle. Luckily the crime was noticed by someone nearby and the police informed. As yet no-one has been apprehended and the leafblower is still missing.
Harrow Council have also been informed of this unfortunate event.

We therefore recommend that you take care when loading or unloading your vehicles at your sites and be aware of anyone acting suspiciously around you.

Feel free to contact us if you have any further information about this incident.

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