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Allotment Associations & Horticultural Groups in Harrow, Middlesex

Harrow in LEAF recipes

The place to share your recipes using your allotment or garden produce.

Blackberry Ice Cream
from Diana Dolman, HiL Rep., Headstone Allotments.

Not just for jam!

A perfect solution to use a fruit found on allotments or in hedgerows in the countryside.

A forager's delight and so delicious.

Diana's Blackberry Ice Cream
Diana's Blackberry Ice Cream
Ingredients (serves 4 -6):

500g blackberries
30ml or 2 tablespoons water
75g or 6 tablespoons of caster sugar
300ml whipping cream


Put the blackberries in a pan with the water and sugar

Cover and simmer for 5 minutes

Tip into a sieve over a bowl and push through with a wooden spoon


Whip the cream until thick but still soft

Add the blackberry puree and mix in well

Put into plastic box so that it is about 4” deep, cover, & freeze

After 2 hours mash it with a fork or food processor it to a uniform slush

After 2 more hours repeat the mashing to improve the texture by breaking up the ice crystals

Leave in freezer until you are ready to enjoy.

Cooking Time:

Just 5 minutes to create blackberry puree.

Chilling Time:

4 hours at least.

Final Tip:

This basic recipe also works well with uncooked blackberries and with other soft fruit, especially raspberries, but you may have to use a different amount of sugar.

For strawberries and some raspberries add a little orange or lemon juice to sharpen the flavour. The mixture needs to taste a bit too sweet as it will taste less so when frozen, but if you add too much it will take a very long time to freeze, too little and it will freeze like a brick. You can also add a little alcohol, but not more than about 50 ml to 500 ml liquid ice cream.

Published: 16th Jan 2012

By main ingredient:
















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Maybe you have tried one of our recipes, we would love to hear your opinion and experience on making and tasting.
If so, please send them in, include your allotment or society name, to: webmaster@harrowinleaf.org.uk

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