Setting Up the Trial
Photos 12th July 2011
Update 20th August 2011
Bean Trial Results Table
After our very popular trial of tomatoes in the summer of 2010 we decided to trial different variations of climbing French beans during the 2011 growing period
French beans are not always green, but may be yellow, purple or spotted, and there are dwarf and climbing types. Climbing beans have the advantage that they are soon out of the easy reach of slugs. However, they do need to be supported by tall canes, as they grow to 2 metres or higher. Some varieties are especially good for salads, others to use for dried beans.
Setting up the Trial
Ten varieties of bean seeds were bought from Seeds of Italy, based in Harrow.
In late April, on the same day, seeds were sown in pots in an unheated greenhouse.
In mid-May, 2 to 3 plants plants of each variety were planted out in the trials bed at our Harrow in LEAF Headquarters in West Harrow Allotments, once there was no risk of frost.
We erected a double row of 8 ft canes, in wigwam formation, to support the plants. Beans were harvested regularly throughout the growing period and weighed regularly.