Harrow in LEAF logo

Allotment Associations & Horticultural Groups in Harrow, Middlesex

Harrow in LEAF's 19th Horticultural and Craft Show at the Headstone Village Show

August Bank Holiday Monday 26th 2024, from noon until 5.00pm

Competition Classes for exhibitors - OPEN TO ALL, anyone can enter:

Affiliated to:    Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)  :    National Vegetable Society (NVS)   :    National Dahlia Society (NDS)

This is now available as an EXAMPLE ONLY.

A new 2025 Show Schedule is due next year.

Welcome to the Schedule for the Harrow in LEAF Show at the 2024 Headstone Village Show.

This year will be a bit different because our displays will be in the barn, a welcome return to this historic Harrow icon - built in 1506 and linking us to Harrow's agricultural past. Shows of produce started in the 1830's and are a proud reminder of the skills needed to grow fresh and healthy food.

While the weather continues to break records, good and bad, it's encouraging to think ahead to a productive year in our gardens and allotments. We hope that a look at the schedule will encourage you to try something new, whether in the arts and crafts section or the choice of tempting food ideas to try. Our visitors love to see how creative you all are.

With the Paris Olympic Games happening in the summer, some of our craft classes have a sporting theme. Do have a look and see whether you or your family are inspired to get involved. You don't need to grow the biggest vegetables or the most perfect flowers - it's enough to take part, and feel that you are contributing to your community.

Don't forget, if you enter something, you get free admission for yourself, and are really part of this special event.

Don't be afraid of showing - just have a go!

Our own 2 page "Guide to Showing" gives a lot of hints and advice.

Click here to VIEW ONLINE...>

or contact our Entries Secretary for a printed copy.

Click here to download the PDF.....>

or contact our Entries Secretary for a printed copy.

The People's Choice Class


carrot hand • Any unusual or funny fruit or vegetables, as grown, no accessories

• More than one entry allowed up to a maximum of THREE

• Free entry.

pepper purple

This class will be judged by visitors to the show solely on the appearance of the exhibit.


"Harvest Festival Trug"
A container artistically filled with nature's products

• Open to any society, group, allotment site or individual

• The container can be a trug, tray or shallow basket, with or without a handle.

• All horticultural produce should have been grown by the exhibitor.

• Any other items should have been made by the exhibitor from raw materials

• Space allowed 600mm x 450mm.
Free entry.


This year we offer a big thank you to our Show Schedule sponsors, and hope that you can support them too as they are important to us.
Please take a look at their ads on this page and visit their websites for further details.

Harrow Manor & Museum

Our Show Contacts:

Entries Secretary: Judy Walker
phone.png 020 8427 2772

Enquiries about exhibits:

Horticultural: Ron Dickens
phone.png 020 8422 1609

Honey: Keith Dowsett
phone.png 07970 894333

Others: Frances Goldingay
phone.png 020 8907 0188

Enquiries about Stalls/Entertainment:

Headstone Manor Museum: Contact Us Page

Click on the eye to take a drone flight over Headstone Manor Grounds:
Headstone Manor by Drone flight

Competition Classes:

• The People's Choice

• Open Challenge Cup

• Vegetables

• Vegetables - Top Tray

• Fruit

• Flowers

• Flowers - Top Vase

• Floral Art

• Home Preserves Section

• Cookery Section

• Wine, Beer, Cider

• Crafts Section

• Photography Section

• Art Section

• Junior Section

• Honey, Mead, Beeswax

Thank you to our supporters:

Brian Cox Logo
Brian Cox Estate Agents, Harrow

Mansi Florists Mansi Flowers.Pinner
Est. 44 years.
We deliver flowers Locally, Nationally and Internationally mansiflowers.co.uk

Franchi Seeds of Italy
Franchi - Seeds of Italy

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